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Hand Eye Coordination

The term "hand-eye coordination" describes the ability of your body's visual system to process information received through the eyes and use it to direct the movements of the hands. Tennis, golf, baseball and basketball players obviously require this skill, but optimal interactions among the brain, the eyes and the limbs are also essential to simple, daily functional tasks.


Hand-eye coordination is a complex neurological process. It begins when the eyes send visual information to the brain, which in turn integrates the data and turns them into a three-dimensional image. Two systems help the brain accomplish this task: The focal system identifies the object, and the ambient system the object's position in space. Once the information is processed, the cerebellum, located in the hindbrain, controls the motor coordination responsible for the task.


Indications of impaired hand-eye coordination become evident quickly when observing an affected child or adult performing a simple task. Peter S. Westwood, in his book titled "Learning and Learning Disabilities: A Handbook for Teachers," presents research showing the poor handwriting may be the result of hand-eye coordination impairment. In extreme cases, this impairment may be caused by dyspraxia, a neurological condition that affects motor coordination. The Dyspraxia Foundation lists other symptoms of this disorder, which include an inability to cook, type, tie your shoes, drive a car or shave.

A great source to help mainstream and assist children with special needs to learn how to tie their shoes is, One, Two Tie My Shoe.

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